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SproutGigs is an online marketplace where businesses

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 SproutGigs is an online marketplace where businesses can hire freelancers to complete small, easy tasks known as micro-jobs. Freelancers can earn money by performing these quick tasks, which range from testing apps to promoting content. The platform offers various categories like digital marketing, graphic design, and surveys. Both business owners and freelancers can sign up, and payment is typically fast after job completion. There are fees for job posting and task satisfaction. It also offers an API for job creation.

Microjobs are online jobs that require almost no skills to complete. Such jobs include logging into a website, downloading an app, writing a review, liking a social media post, subscribing to a YouTube 

channel, etc.

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In this guide, we will see how to make money by doing microjobs on SproutGigs.

SproutGigs (formerly known as Picoworkers) is a micro-freelancing website where people around the world can register as freelancers or workers to earn money by completing micro or menial jobs advertised by employers.

Becoming a worker on SproutGigs does not require any skills. The only requirement is that you can use a 

mobile phone or a computer with an internet connection to complete microjobs.
